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"Laura Jedynasty is perfect as the "Mind of the Critic." She drives the scene with tenacious determination and her narration never lets up on the necessary tautness to keep the audience engaged."

Nydia Calón

Telegram and Gazette

"Jedynasty is both charming and compelling as the energetic, ethereal and animated Julie, playing her with an almost "childlike" quality (probably closer to "hippie flower childlike") which also takes the interactions with the other apparitions to a much higher level."

Kevin T. Baldwin

Telegram and Gazette

"Arguably the best of all the vignettes, "This Hurts" features Laura Jedynasty as a woman in an apartment complex who meets, and accidentally injures, a young man played by Lucas Pereira, who she learns has a rare condition whereby he cannot feel injury.

Jedynasty character becomes fascinated by the boy's ability not to feel physical pain while reeling in her own emotional pain. The two actors are high on the list of many high points of the show."

Kevin T. Baldwin

Telegram and Gazette

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